Agneepath Yojana Syllabus 2022: Ministry of Defense all candidates started registration for candidates in all three Indian Defense Services Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force under Agneepath Yojana Syllabus 2022. Now as we know Agniveer registration for all three forces is open and the last date to apply is By the end of July 2022. And many candidates have applied all those applied candidates should start the exam preparation according to Agniveer Syllabus 2022 so that they can get a sure shot selection.
On this page, candidates can check the complete Agneepath Yojana Syllabus 2022 Exam Pattern for the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy which you can check for your good preparation. Each branch has a different exam pattern and syllabus so make sure you pay attention to the course you have applied for. So you prepare according to Agneepath Yojana Syllabus 2022.
Also Read: CG SI Police Syllabus 2022

Agneepath Yojana Syllabus 2022- Overview
Conducting Body |
Indian Army |
Name of scheme |
Agneepath Recruitment 2022 |
Launched by |
Department of Military Affairs |
Posts |
Agniveers Soldiers |
Number of Vacancies |
46,000 |
Salary |
1st year- Rs. 30,000 per month
2nd year- Rs. 33,000 per month
3rd year- Rs. 36,500 per month
4th year- Rs. 40,000 per month |
Area of Service |
Indian Army, Navy, Air Force |
Training Duration |
4 years |
Category |
Syllabus |
Official Link | |
Agneepath Yojana Syllabus (Indian Army) 2022
General Reasoning
General Awareness and Knowledge
General Science
- Number, Ranking & Time Sequence.
- Deriving Conclusions from Passages.
- Logical Sequence of Words.
- Alphabet Test Series.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
- Situation Reaction Test.
- Coding-Decoding.
- Direction Sense Test
- Analogy.
- Data Sufficiency.
- Clocks & Calendars.
- Statement – Conclusions.
- Logical Venn Diagrams.
- Statement – Arguments.
- Inserting The Missing Character.
- Puzzles.
- Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle.
- Mixture & Allegations.
- Pipes and Cisterns.
- Speed, Time & Distance (Train, Boats & Stream).
- Mensuration.
- Trigonometry.
- Geometry.
- Time and Work.
- Probability.
- HCF & LCM.
- Algebraic Expressions and inequalities.
- Average.
- Percentage.
- Profit and Loss.
- Number System.
- Speed, Distance, and Time.
- Simple & Compound interest.
- Ratio and Proportion
- Partnership.
- Data Interpretation.
- Number Series
- Abbreviations.
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
- Current Important Events.
- Current Affairs – National & International.
- Awards and Honors.
- Important Financial.
- Economic News.
- Banking News.
- Indian Constitution.
- Books and Authors.
- Important Days.
- History.
- Sports Terminology
- Geography
- Solar System
- Indian states and capitals
- Countries and Currencies
- Biology (10th / 12th Level )
- Chemistry (10th /12th Level )
- Physic (10th / 12th Level )
Agneepath Yojana Syllabus (Indian Air Force) 2022
General Awareness
- Reading Comprehension.
- Jumbled Sentence.
- Phrase Replacement.
- Sentence Improvement.
- Cloze Test.
- Fill in the Blanks.
- Wrong Spelt.
- Infinitive, Gerund, Participle
- Identify the sentence pattern.
- Find out the Error.
- Verb
- Noun
- Articles
- Voices
- Adverbs
- Direct & Indirect Speech
- Subject Verb Agreement
- Conjunctions
- Tenses
- Phrasal Verbs
- Idioms and phrases
- Synonyms & antonyms
- One-word substitution
- Mixture & Allegations.
- Pipes and Cisterns.
- Speed, Time & Distance (Train, Boats & Stream).
- Mensuration.
- Trigonometry.
- Geometry.
- Time and Work.
- Probability.
- HCF & LCM.
- Algebraic Expressions and inequalities.
- Average.
- Percentage.
- Profit and Loss.
- Number System.
- Speed, Distance, and Time.
- Simple & Compound interest.
- Ratio and Proportion
- Partnership.
- Data Interpretation.
- Source of Energy
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Electricity
- The Human Eye and Colorful World
- Light – Reflection and Refraction
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Electronic Devices
- Number, Ranking & Time Sequence.
- Deriving Conclusions from Passages.
- Logical Sequence of Words.
- Alphabet Test Series.
- Arithmetical Reasoning.
- Situation Reaction Test.
- Coding-Decoding.
- Direction Sense Test.
- Analogy.
- Data Sufficiency.
- Clocks & Calendars.
- Statement – Conclusions.
- Logical Venn Diagrams.
- Statement – Arguments.
- Inserting The Missing Character.
- Puzzles.
- Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle.
- Abbreviations.
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
- Current Important Events.
- Current Affairs – National & International.
- Awards and Honors.
- Important Financial.
- Economic News.
- Banking News.
- Indian Constitution.
- Books and Authors.
- Important Days.
- History.
- Sports Terminology
- Geography
- Solar System
- Indian states and capitals
- Countries and Currencies
Agneepath Yojana Syllabus (Indian Navy) 2022
Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Syllabus
- Current Affairs- Both National & International
- Indian History
- Indian Geography
- Indian Polity
- Culture and Religion
- Sports
- Important National Fact about India Heritage
- Common Names
- Abbreviations
- Discoveries
- Science and Technology
- Synonym
- Antonym
- One word substitution
- Error Detection
- Idioms & Phrases
- Passage Comprehension
- Preposition
- Correction of Sentences
- Use of Adjective, etc
- Application of Derivatives
- Binomial Theorem
- Complex Number
- Conic Section
- Differentiation
- Limit and Continuity
- Quadratic Equation
- Permutation and Combination
- Probability
- Statistics
- Geometry
- Binomial Theorem
- Circles
- Trigonometry
- Vector, etc
- Physical World and Measurements
- Law of Motions
- Set, relations, functions
- Optics
- Electronic Devices
- Metal and Non-Metals
- Organic Chemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Electrostatics and Current Electricity
- Waves
- Kinematics, etc
Agneepath Yojana Syllabus 2022- Indian Army, Air force, Navy:
Agniveer Scheme is launched by the Government of India to recruit young candidates in the Armed Forces. Under this scheme, the candidates will serve in the army for a term of four years and will be known as Agniveer. During the four-year tenure, they will also be trained to serve in the defense forces. Agneepath Syllabus 2022 covers all the topics asked in the paper to be conducted for recruitment in the Indian Air Force, Army, and Navy under the Agneepath scheme recently launched by the Department of Military Affairs. If you are a defense aspirant, then check the detailed Agneepath Syllabus and know all other details related to the scheme.